
Python Variables

Variables are a fundamental part of any programming language. They provide a way to store, access, and remember data for later use. You can think of variables as containers that store basic information of various types, such as numbers and text, or complex data structures that are composed of combinations of those.

Python Context Managers

Python context managers provide a convenient way to manage resources, such as files, network connections, and locks. They enable automatic setup and teardown operations, saving development effort, simplifying code, minimizing errors. Context managers further ensure that resources are properly managed even in the presence of exceptions or errors.

Python Class Decorators

Python class decorators extend the functionality of classes in a manner similar to how function decorators extend functions. They allow you to modify or enhance the behavior of classes without directly altering their source code. Class decorators are particularly useful for adding features like validation, caching, or logging to classes in a flexible and reusable way.

The Python wraps Decorator

One common challenge with decorators is that they can unintentionally strip away important metadata from the functions they decorate. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem in the form of the Python wraps decorator, which is available in the functools module. You can use wraps in any decorator you create to preserve the original metadata.

Python Decorators With Arguments

Python decorators are functions that allow you to enhance the functionality of other functions without modifying their original code directly. Decorators can accept arguments themselves, which can make them even more versatile. These arguments can modify the behavior of the decorator or the decorated function in various ways.