The Python set constructor, set(), is a function that crates a Python set - a collection data structure that holds unique unordered elements. The set constructor can create a set out of various iterable data types, such as lists, tuples and strings.
Aside from storing data, dictionaries and lists can also make it easier to write clean code. They can replace cumbersome if/elif, match/case, and long 'or' chains with something simpler.
The difference is short-circuit evaluation, a subtle yet sometimes very significant difference. In short-circuit evaluation, the computer executes the minimum code to figure out the value of a boolean expression.
I've seen many misconceptions about this even in Python lessons and tutorials that teach about the topic. Let's first take a look at what it all means. In a pass-by-reference call, if the function makes an assignment to an argument, the original passed variable also changes. In a pass-by-value call, if the function makes an assignment to an argument, only a local copy changes and the original stays the same.