Python modules

The Python __name__ Variable

The Python __name__ variable is a special built-in variable that holds the name of the current imported module. When accessed within a Python script file that's executed directly (i.e. not a module), its value is the string "__main__". __name__ is most often used to differentiate between Python code that is run in a standalone script or code that's imported as a module.

Python Packages

A Python package is a directory that contains one or more modules. Python packages allow developers to structure their code into logical units, making it easier to manage, reuse, and share. They also facilitate the installation and distribution of Python code through tools like pip, making it simple for others to use your code in their projects.

Python Module Search Path

It's possible to designate directories on disk in which Python searches for modules. Those directories and the sequence in which they are searched are called the Python module search path. When Python executes an import statement to load a module, it follows the search path to locate the module file.

Creating Python Modules of Your Own

Python modules play an important role in structuring and organizing code in Python projects. The previous lesson demonstrated how to import and use preexisting modules within your code. This lesson will explore how to create Python modules for organizing and reusing your code effectively.

Importing Python Modules

Python modules are files containing code that can be used within other Python code files. They consist of Python statements and definitions, and allow you to organize code logically into reusable units. Modules help structure larger projects by breaking them into smaller, manageable components. This lesson covers importing Python modules, a process by which code in a module is inserted into another code file.