Python conditionals

The Python match-case Statement

The Python match-case statement conditionally executes code depending on the value of an expression. It is meant to simplify if-elif-else chains where the conditions are comparisons of the same expression to different values. First introduced in Python version 3.10, the match-case syntax is a relatively late addition to the language.

The Python Ternary Operator (One-Line if-else)

The ternary operator in Python offers a concise way to express conditional logic, allowing you to assign a value based on a condition. Its syntax is: "value_if_true if condition else value_if_false". It can be embedded within expressions for compact conditional computations. Unlike the one-line if statement, it operates on expressions with values and does not support value-less statements.

The Python One-Line If Statement Shorthand

The Python one-line if (single-line if) is a concise way to execute a single line of code when a specific condition is true. Its syntax is: "if condition: statement". While it offers a cleaner alternative to the regular if statement, it has limitations and is best suited for simple cases.

The Python if Statement

The Python if statement is a fundamental construct for decision-making in programming. It allows executing specific code blocks based on conditions. Proper syntax and indentation are crucial. The optional else clause can be added for false conditions, and multiple conditions can be checked using elif. Nesting and logical operators further enhance its functionality.